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Building and Protecting Brand Equity / Maximizing Sales / Saving You Time

Amazon can be frustrating. We partner with you to make it a positive experience.


About Us

We build your brand’s equity on Amazon

Oxon Cove Innovations helps you tell your brand’s stories and reach your sales potential on Amazon without eroding your built-up brand equity. We are more than just Amazon channel experts and have over 20 years of marketing experience. As your authorized wholesale partner or brand manager on the Amazon channel we bring a marketing skill set and a focus to improve your customer’s Amazon experience that your current authorized wholesalers or in-house team is neglecting. Let us save you time and boost your sales by enabling us to partner with you so we can tackle the complexities and evolving dynamics of the Amazon sales channel.


 You need the right type of Amazon partner that will help you add value to your brand and not detract from it. As your partner, we create sustainable value and growth for your brand on Amazon utilizing the services below.

Listing Enhancement

Our team has the expertise to optimize your listings for sales. Our full service listing management includes image recommendations, written content with high demand keywords, detailed bullet points and listing description. Amazon’s A+ content program and brand stores can be powerful in helping you increase even more awareness and additional sales. Let our team maximize this important Amazon feature for you.

Price and Brand Monitoring

We watch and follow pricing on your listings and alert if any seller is breaking your pricing policies such as MAP. We also monitor for activities that may negatively impact your brand on the Amazon platform.

Customer Services

We help manage your listing’s customer reviews insuring that your brand and listings maintain high ratings. Our team monitors customer reviews and responds when necessary. We also incorporate strategies to increase positive reviews which have an impact on your listing’s sales.

Amazon Promotions

Our team is well versed in Amazon advertising opportunities and promotional campaigns. We can help spark demand through Amazon advertising and help your brand increase sales.

Marketing Services – Key Differentiator

With over 20 years of marketing experience and advanced degrees in marketing and project management, we offer a strong marketing foundation of knowledge to help you on and off the Amazon Channel. There are other wholesale partners and agencies offering the same services we do, however we come from a strong marketing foundation and a wealth of marketing knowledge that differentiates us from the competition.

How It Works – We do not charge fees!

We partner with you and invest our time, marketing expertise, extensive knowledge of the Amazon platform, and resources to grow your brand on Amazon. Unlike marketing agencies and consultants that charge fees, all we ask in exchange is to authorize Oxon Cove Innovations as a wholesaler partner of your organization on the Amazon channel. We earn our fees by making a margin from selling your products on the Amazon channel. It is in our interest to build your brand’s equity on Amazon in order to increase sustainable sales.

Our Team

Our senior team members have combined 20+ years of marketing and communications experience in both the public and private sectors including five years of experience on the Amazon platform. During this time our team has focused on solving customer’s “pain points”, building brand recognition, differentiating brands, optimizing sales, and ensuring project success through project management and planning. Our team members are culturally experienced and have traveled to more than 50 countries providing marketing, training, project management and customer service. Individual team members hold advanced degrees in marketing, business administration and international business from the University of Washington, Hofstra University, and John Hopkins University.